Before WPcaptionSlice, with Tentyten theme

Monsieur Ferraille

Monsieur Ferraille

Default Wordpress caption HTML:

<div id="attachment_278" class="wp-caption alignnone" style="width: 570px">
    <a href="">
        <img src="images/3937457435_d8b9755732_o-560x374.jpg" alt="Monsieur Ferraille" title="Que Monsieur Ferraille soit avec toi" width="560" height="374" class="size-large wp-image-278" />
    <p class="wp-caption-text">Monsieur Ferraille</p>

With WPcaptionSlice

Default WPcaptionSlice params:

Monsieur Ferraille

Monsieur Ferraille


Custom image size and caption text under the 4th image:

Monsieur Ferraille

Monsieur Ferraille

$('.wp-image-280').WPcaptionSlice({ width: 168,
                                    height: 168,
                                    captionPos: 4

Don't use the image itself for the links, but the href attribute from the initial <a> tag, and set the links title to the image title:

Image alt

Monsieur Ferraille

$('.wp-image-281').WPcaptionSlice({ width: 168,
                                    height: 168,
                                    captionPos: 6,
                                    linkToImg: false,
                                    imgTitleToLinkTitle: true

Custom number of columns and lines, no white space under the images:

Monsieur Ferraille

Monsieur Ferraille

$('.wp-image-282').WPcaptionSlice({ width: 120,
                                    height: 120,
                                    cols: 4,
                                    lines: 3,
                                    captionPlace: false,
                                    linkToImg: false

Custom background position (in %), no white space under the images, but keep the caption text under the 5th image, empty images alt:

Monsieur Ferraille

Monsieur Ferraille

$('.wp-image-283').WPcaptionSlice({ xmin: 25,
                                    xmax: 85,
                                    ymin: 0,
                                    ymax: 80,
                                    whiteSpace: false,
                                    captionPos: 5,
                                    imgAlt: false

The same... with shuffle! The caption text moves with the 5th image:

Monsieur Ferraille

Monsieur Ferraille

$('.wp-image-284').WPcaptionSlice({ xmin: 25,
                                    xmax: 85,
                                    ymin: 0,
                                    ymax: 80,
                                    whiteSpace: false,
                                    captionPos: 5,
                                    imgAlt: false,
                                    shuffle: true

The same with shuffle, but the caption text is allways in the 5th position, and with a custom "empty" caption text:

Monsieur Ferraille

Monsieur Ferraille

$('.wp-image-285').WPcaptionSlice({ xmin: 25,
                                    xmax: 85,
                                    ymin: 0,
                                    ymax: 80,
                                    whiteSpace: '↑ ↑',
                                    captionPos: 5,
                                    imgAlt: false,
                                    shuffle: 'fixedCaption'
WPcaptionSlice : jQuery plugin for WordPress captions